Member Spotlight: Crystal Phillips From Thin Air Labs

When life threw her a curveball, she didn’t just adapt; she rewrote the playbook. 

Introducing the force of nature behind groundbreaking strides in healthcare investment and research: Crystal Phillips, a former competitive speed skater turned healthcare visionary. Her journey from the icy tracks of speed skating competitions to the forefront of healthcare innovation is nothing short of remarkable.

Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) as a teenager and advised she may lose the ability to walk, let alone skate, she chose defiance over defeat. Her battle with MS led her through the maze of conventional and unconventional healthcare systems, exposing the glaring gaps and untapped opportunities within. Her resilience not only saw her return to normal health and elite sport but also ignited a passion to revolutionize healthcare. 

Her Olympic dreams were dashed in 2010 when an MS relapse sidelined her from the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Yet, she transformed this setback into a springboard for her visionary pursuits. 

Retiring from speed skating, she launched a charity—Branch Out Neurological Foundation—aimed at bridging the chasms in healthcare, particularly in non-pharmaceutical approaches to brain health, covering a spectrum of neurological disorders.

This journey of personal triumph and relentless pursuit of innovation led her to the helm of a venture capital initiative with Thin Air Labs. Here, Crystal leverages her unique insights and network to fund early-stage companies that promise to reshape the healthcare landscape. As Vice President of their inaugural fund, she has played a pivotal role in raising $20 million invested in 22 companies, half of which focus on healthcare with a significant outcome with female-led startups.

Fueling Excitement: Alberta’s Blossoming Ecosystem

Crystal is invigorated by the thriving life science sector in Alberta and the Prairies, where a community-driven ethos propels the region forward. The area is ripe, marked by a rich intellectual property landscape and advanced facilities, such as the world’s largest germ-free lab and notable cancer centers in Calgary. 

The post-COVID era has intensified the focus on healthcare, amplifying the urgency for change. Alberta and the Prairies are leveraging their historical investments in research and development, positioning themselves as leaders in the evolution of the life sciences sector. With the momentum at its peak, Crystal views this as the optimal moment to foster innovation and drive significant advancement in health sciences.

The Dream Ahead: Shaping the Future of Health and Human Performance

Envisioning the next leap, Crystal dreams of becoming the general partner of a fund dedicated to health and human performance. The fund thesis, still under wraps, aims to encompass a broad spectrum of human, animal, and soil health, focusing on longevity, healthspan, and sports performance.

It’s not just a fund; it’s a vision to redefine wellness and performance across all walks of life.

What’s New and Brewing

Crystal’s latest triumph includes closing Thin Air Labs’ $20 million fund in October 2023, with plans to complete capital allocation by the end of Q1 2024. 

She’s also spearheading selective special purpose vehicle (SPV) opportunities for standout companies in their portfolio, making a strategic move to bolster innovation and growth within the sector. 

Advice to Her Past Self & Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs

Crystal’s advice is a blend of hard-earned wisdom and empowering encouragement: Get out of your own way, be ruthlessly focused, and nurture your confidence daily. 

She stresses the importance of ignoring the self-doubt and external skepticism that can derail ambitions, treating confidence as a “muscle” that grows with consistent exercise. Crystal reminds us that imposter syndrome is a sign of pushing boundaries, urging women to embrace pressure as a privilege and to never shy away from dreaming big.

As Crystal continues to push the envelope in healthcare innovation and venture capital, her story is a testament to the power of resilience, vision, and the relentless pursuit of making a difference.

Join her in this journey of transforming challenges into opportunities, and be part of the revolution that promises to reshape the future of health and human performance. 

Connect with this healthcare trailblazer to witness how she’s not just part of the change but leading it—one investment or one research breakthrough at a time. 

Here’s to the dreamers, the innovators, and the leaders who remind us that the path less traveled is often the one that leads to the greatest impact.


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